Spreading Awareness on Mental & Physical readiness for IVF
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May 8, 2019

DIFC is Spreading Awareness On Mental & Physical Readiness For IVF

In-Vitro Fertilization is termed as a most successful technique in the sector of Assisted Reproductive Technology. IVF importantly aims at successfully giving results to the infertility patients. There is a rapid increase in the number of childless Indian couples planning to undergo IVF treatment. But, very few of them are aware that before undergoing the IVF treatment, they need to understand what it exactly means and they have to be mentally and physically prepared for that.

At Delhi IVF we have IVF, IVF-ICSI, Egg donation, Altruistic Surrogacy, Cryopreservation of sperms, eggs and embryos. Fertility enhancing surgeries e.g. Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy. Advanced procedures e.g. PICSI, IMSI, Embryo Culture for day 5 transfer, PRP and stem cell procedures and host of other procedure to get over all kind of problems  associated with infertility

While undergoing the IVF treatments, perhaps, the couple must keep in mind the following things:

  • Taking a healthy and a balanced diet
  • Consuming foods that are highly nutritious
  • Avoiding foods that the medical expert(s) have suggested not to consume
  • Proper intake of minerals as well as vitamins
  • Tracing antioxidants and elements
  • Avoiding drugs, caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes that disrupt the hormonal balance
  • Following a healthy lifestyle
  • Spending quality time to your partner who will undergo the treatment.
  • Don’t be overweight or underweight; maintain a healthy weight with exercise.
  • Keep taking breaks in between to see your family and friends to improve your mental health.
  • Think positive

Another thing to be pondered upon is the fact that how much stress he or she takes based on his or her personality, situation, or lifestyle. The less stress one takes, the better the results are going to be. Ahead of the treatment, it is also very important that one stays mentally calm and physically fit. The basic advantage that a healthy lifestyle offers is a support to the reproductive system, hormonal system, and overall nourishment to the body during the crucial early stages. Followed by all of this, support from the partner and the family members help the person to be mentally prepared. Also, during, before, as well as, after the completion of IVF treatment, it is important to know about the success rates of treatments and be prepared for the failures as well, as it is a part of the process.

Therefore, it can be said that IVF is a great scientific advancement and a ray of hope for the couples who are suffering from any kind of problem in conceiving but both the partners should be mentally happy, relaxed, and positive about the process. They should be with each other at every step like emotional pillars.